Watch The Metaverse in Janky Capitalism on DIS
Julia as in-game NPC

Janky Capitalism is the jacked-up Uber Eats delivery bike: a clumsy, inefficient, and crude collection of parts that barely functions, will probably kill you, but is cool as fuck, kind of.

The Metaverse in Janky Capitalism by Daniel Felstead and Jenn Leung is presented to us by an irresistibly blase AI-generated Julia Fox. An expert originator and manipulator of trends herself, she muses on how internet dynamics shape ideological trends in a robotic vocal fry. Capitalism has become janky for many reasons, one of them being the sloppy and frustrating interaction between online and offline life.

The film is commissioned by DIS and is featured on Do Not Research's Monday Night Memes livestream hosted by Joshua Citarella. It is also screened as a part of NYU's ITP Camp Cinema Club v1: 3 Critiques of Technology alongside Hito Steryerl and Jacon Hurwitz-Goodman.

Julia's AI character was originally created as an in-game NPC using Convai's conversational AI plugin and her voice was trained using Descript.

Written and Produced by: Daniel Felstead
3D Animation by: Jenn Leung
Producer: Lauren Boyle
About Text by: Ada O'Higgins